UCC Barcode Solutions @ UPCCode.net - Buy 100% Authentic & Authorized UCC Bar Codes from Global Barcode Experts.



UCC Barcodes (Uniform Code Council Bar codes)


Why should I buy UCC-Issued Barcodes from Simply Barcodes?

Simply Barcodes sells authentic & official UPC Codes & EAN Codes that originate through GS1 (formerly known as UCC & EAN International).
Buy UCC Issued Barcodes

What is UCC (Uniform Code Council)?

UCC stands for Uniform Code Council, Inc., an organization that until 1972 was known as the Uniform Grocery Product Code Council.
According to the old UCC website, their mission was “to take a global leadership role in establishing and promoting multi-industry standards for product identification, including the Universal Product Code (U.P.C.), and related electronic communications. The goal is to enhance efficient supply chain management, contributing added value to the customer.” The Uniform Code Council then merged with EAN International into GS1, Global Standards One. GS1, thereby, effectively became the single worldwide origination point for UPC and EAN numbers (now known as GTIN-12 and GTIN-13, respectively).
On the 7th of June 2005 the UCC become the official GS1 member organization for the United States of America under the new name of GS1 US. Click here - for more information on GS1 US.
To request more information and talk to one of our global barcode expert regarding UCC-issued bar codes, please call on 1-877-872-2060 (toll-free) or 1-404-885-6066. You can also order your UCC-issued barcodes online and receive fast email delivery of bar code image. Simply Barcodes sells UCC issued bar codes (UPC codes & EAN codes) outright, with no memberships, renewals or annual fees, setup charges, or any other ongoing commitments.


For more information regarding UCC Bar codes:
Call 877-872-2060 (toll-free) or 1-404-885-6066 (international)

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